Dorothy. Hillsboro People (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1915)
346 p.
good people of Hillsboro Vermont are happy with their quaint old
unprofessional library. Every year they stage an entertainment to
raise money for new books which are chosen by consent. The town women
take turns acting as librarian. When a millionaire from Chicago
decides to give them a new and modern library all that changes. An
architect is hired to design and build the new Hillsboro Camden
Public Library, and Miss Martin, a young librarian from Albany is
was a very pretty librarian indeed, and she wore her tailor suits
with an air which made the village girls look uneasily into their
mirrors and made the village boys look after her as she passed. She
was moreover as permeated with the missionary fervor instilled into
her at the Library School as she was pretty, and she began at once to
practice all the latest devices for automatically turning a benighted
community into the latest thing in culture. When Mrs. Bradlaugh, wife
of the deacon, and president of the Ladies' Aid Society, was confined
to the house with a cold, she sent over to the library, as was her
wont in such cases, for some entertaining story to while away her
tedious convalescence. Miss Martin sent back one of Henry James's
novels, and was surprised that Mrs. Bradlaugh made no second attempt
to use the library. When the little girls in school asked for the
Elsie books, she answered with a glow of pride that the library did
not possess one of those silly stories, and offered as substitute,
'Greek Myths for Children.'
Pritchett came, in a great hurry, one morning, and asked for his
favorite condensed handbook of geology, in order to identify a stone.
He was told that it was entirely out of date and very incomplete, and
the library did not own it, and he was referred to the drawer in the
card catalogue relating to geology. For a time his stubbed old
fingers rambled among the cards, with an ever-rising flood of baffled
exasperation. How could he tell by looking at a strange name on a
little piece of paper whether the book it represented would tell him
about a stone out of his gravel-pit! Finally he appealed to the
librarian, who proclaimed on all occasions her eagerness to help
inquirers, and she referred him to a handsome great Encyclopedia of
Geology in forty-seven volumes. he wandered around hopelessly in this
for about an hour, and in the end retreated unenlightened. Miss
Martin tried to help him in his search, but, half amused by his
rustic ignorance, she asked him finally, with an air of gentle
patience, 'how, if he didn't know any of the scientific names, he
expected to be able to look up a subject in an alphabetically
arranged book?' Squire Pritchett never entered the library again. (p.
story concerns Jeroboam Mordecai Atterworthy, who left his village to
attend Middletown College, and stayed there as the College Librarian
the rest of his life.