Friday, May 6, 2016

Adams, Deborah. All the Crazy Winters (New York: Ballantine Books, 1992) 215 p.
Delia Cannon volunteers at the Jesus Creek (Tennessee) Public Library. Her specialty is genealogy, and she is presently alphabetizing census records. The Librarian is Estelle Carhart, who is murdered early in the story. Her assistant is Pamela Satterfield. "Pamela, handy at organizing what had previously been a rather haphazardly run library, didn't have any aptitute with people." (p. 33).
"For twenty years Estelle Carhart had run the library in her charming but slipshod manner. It wasn't unusual for Estelle to send someone out the door without checking their books, especially if she happened to be engaged in an interesting conversation at the time. Nor was it unusual for her to excuse late books if the reader claimed to have intended to return them on time. To Estelle, good intentions were as good as fact.
It was clear that things were about to change drastically. While Pamela Satterfield had only been with the library a short time, she had very definite, very rigid ideas of how the place should be run.... Now that Pamela whould be moving up to the position of head librarian, the patrons had better shape up." (p. 38-39).
Later, Sarah Elizabeth Leach, who had intended to study library science before marrying into one of the towns old families, joins the library staff.

-------. All the Hungry Mothers (New York: Ballantine Books, 1994) 209 p.

Sarah Elizabeth Leach and Delia Cannon appear again in this story, but we do not get to see the inside of the library.


  1. I recognise those personalities!

  2. Yeah. Me too. In fact "handy at organizing, no aptitude for people" could describe me.
