Jean. The Horrors of Love (Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1967) 665
p. Translated from the French by Robin Chancellor. Originally
published as Les Horreurs de L’amour (Paris: Gallimard,
friends discuss a womanizing mutual friend, Roberti. One of his
affairs is with Odile who worked in a library. “Extremely well
turned out. Immaculate hands and glossy hair. She must have been
about twenty-eight or thirty. Semi-intellectual, very taken up with
the things it was smart to admire. A progressive, as should be. Which
didn’t prevent her from being flattered by the attentions of a
Radical deputy. For her, too, Roberti was a rarity. Her collection
consisted mainly of painters without talent, journalists and
(fitfully) university students.” (p. 90). Odile jilts Roberti and
marries another man.