Saturday, October 1, 2016

 Dereske, Jo. Miss Zukas and the Library Murders (New York: Avon, 1994) 218 p.
Helma (Wilhelmina) Zukas is a librarian of Lithuanian descent who grew up in a small Michigan town. She specializes in history and applied sciences at Bellehaven (read Bellingham, Wash.) Public Library.  The library director is Mr. Upman, who's head is bald and bespectacled, but who has the body of an Olympic marathoner. Mr. Upman "liked to touch" (p. 6). The library staff also includes Eve Oxnard (fiction and music), Roger (children's), Patrice (social science and periodicals), and George Melville, the cataloger whom no one seems to trust.
Mr. Upman is choosing a computer system to replace the old card catalog, but without any input from the staff. Some of the staff are upset at not being consulted, others are upset about losing the card catalog.
A body stabbed with a card catalog drawer rod is found in the fiction stacks, and Miss Zukas is busy finding clues to the murder.

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