Charles. Martin Chuzzlewit (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1951) 841 p.
Pinch (p. 605-617) is mysteriously and anonymously given a job
cataloging a private library.
the meantime Tom attended to his duties daily, and made considerable
progress with the books: which were already reduced to some sort of
order, and made a great appearance in his fairly-written catalogue.
During his business hours, he indulged himself occasionally with
snatches of reading; which were often, indeed, a necessary part of
his pursuit; and as he usually made bold to carry one of these goblin
volumes home at night (always bringing it back again next morning, in
case his strange employer should appear and ask what had become of
it), he led a happy, quiet, studious kind of life, after his own
heart. (p. 619).
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